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MoHAP calls on nationwide participation in ground-breaking Emirati Genome Program

Abu Dhabi, UAE – September 30, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) is calling all UAE nationals to participate in the Emirati Genome Program, a ground-breaking national genomics initiative and one of the world’s largest, and most comprehensive genomics programs that aims to provide the best healthcare system for all Emirati citizens.

Open for all UAE nationals, the Emirati Genome Program aims to deliver better insights into genetic variation in the Emirati population. By taking part in the program, participants will contribute towards a process of scientific discovery with potential onwards benefit such as tailored healthcare strategies across the UAE and support a transition from a reactive model of healthcare to more proactive and preventative healthcare management. Launched in collaboration with the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, the program is one of the flagship initiatives of G42 Healthcare’s recently launched Omics Centre of Excellence, the largest and most technologically advanced omics facility in the region.

The pilot phase of the Emirati Genome Program was successfully concluded with G42 Healthcare experts building the first de novo Emirati reference genome based on DNA samples from 1,000 UAE nationals, using cutting-edge next generation and third generation sequencing with artificial intelligence. The reference genome will be used as a type-standard against which individual genomes will be compared in the diagnosis of genetic conditions and informing treatment plans to provide personalized healthcare for UAE citizens.

​Inviting UAE nationals to participate in the program, His Excellency Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed Al Owais, Minister of Health and Prevention, said, “In line with the UAE’s vision for the “Next 50 years”, development of a preventive healthcare system is one of our key priorities. As one the most ambitious genomics program worldwide, Emirati Genome Program is our step towards providing preventive and personalized healthcare system for the Emirati population. I call upon all UAE nationals to participate in the program and support us in achieving our goal of providing innovative and world-class healthcare services to all Emiratis for a healthier future.”

Ashish Koshy, Chief Executive Officer of G42 Healthcare, said, “Emirati Genome Program is set to create a new milestone in the field of UAE’s healthcare sector. We urge Emiratis across all age groups to participate in the program and contribute to a healthier future for generations to come. We are pleased to have received an overwhelming response with its launch in Abu Dhabi and looking forward to reach 1 million individuals, who will play a crucial part in shaping the future of healthcare system in the UAE.”

The success of the Emirati Genome Program depends heavily on the voluntary participation of UAE nationals across the country. The more participants the Emirati Genome Program has, the more comprehensive the resulting genetic data becomes, creating a rich base for scientists and medical professionals to build the Emirati reference genome.

Emirati volunteers can now visit the sample collection sites in Al Maa’red Hall at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC) and the Biogenix Lab Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, where team members will be available to guide them through the process. Additional collection sites will be open across the country in the coming weeks and months. Participation is voluntary, and participants would be required to go through an informed consent process before joining the program. Details of the Emirati Genome Program, including complete participation information, can be found at or by calling 800 UAE GENOME.